What is in a name?

What is in a name? So many things come to mind; you might think of someone you know with the same name or be given an impression without even meeting the person. Do you consider the meaning of a #name ? The importance of being named? I do. Knowing someone's name can make that person more "real" to you; especially the #stillborn or #miscarried people. They are people, just little babies. Tomorrow, had my Miya made it to term, she would have been 6. I think about her alot. I think about all #preborn babies alot. I didn't choose to #lose my #children so I look forward to seeing each beautiful one again someday. October is #Pregnancy and #Infant #Loss #Awareness month. So many women #grieve in silence, whether they had no choice or they made a choice they now regret. Show #love , #grace and #support for those who suffer this loss; losing a child is not, and should never be, an easy or chosen thing.