
Oh how we hurt from the pain of grief. Grief is so much more than just an emotion. Grief hits you. Sometimes so physically hard you think you can't do it. Its so overwhelming that you can't breath, or you fall to the floor and just can't do it anymore. Its horrible, but it's ok. Not ok in the sense that you minimize the problem but ok in that you need to understand its a normal part of grief. Even though it may feel like you can't go on, you will. You'll eventually get back up and continue to do what must be done. And if you have a day where you can't do anything, don't be too hard on yourself. Just tell yourself you'll try again tomorrow. The pain doesn't ever go away, but you will adapt to it. You will make room for it and be able to carry on. The one you lost isn't hurting anymore. So allow yourself time to feel, time to get through, because with God's grace you will. The Mel in the NorMel House. Still trying to be gracious to myself i...