I am fearfully and wonderfully made. #prolife #Godmadeusall #protectourchildren #beselfless

I recently came across a post on Facebook about prolife promoting. I am 100% pro life but I have come across some awful prolife promotions. I've nearly had accidents from the horrific posters they've hung over the Lincoln Alexander Parkway and Im glad it isn't allowed anymore. I don't even want to be associated with the groups who use shocking images to try convince people to be prolife. From someone who has had many miscarriages and held a son who was only 17 weeks along it was one of the most emotionally traumatizing things to have to see. No woman should have to go through that, they're are better ways to make our point. Why not show the intricacies of our children instead of man's destruction. Explain the beauty of life God has given. Right from conception we are unique individuals who simply need to grow and develop. We don't kill our born children because they aren't fully developed. In fact our frontal lobe isn't fully developed til were i...