
Showing posts from December, 2017

Thy Will be done

I haven't had the gift of words lately. Seems that grief can rip the words right out of your mind and leave you seeking answers to questions but not knowing what those questions are. I can't explain the way I feel or why this seems to have knocked me down so hard when I knew it was coming. I thought I was prepared. I'm starting to learn that you can never be prepared for the loss of a child. "I know you hear me, I know you see me Lord. Your plans are for me, goodness you have in store, so Thy will be done..." The words so beautifully sung by Hilary Scott so often ring through my mind. May, by God's Grace, I find my way to holding on to this truth.

He knows the plans He has for us

God, in His wisdom, called home another baby Hoeksema this week. While we don't always understand God's plans we trust He knows best and will continue to guide us, even through this.  "Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." Psalms 139:16 ESV Your prayers are greatly appreciated as we mourn the loss of our little one. Melynda and Norm The NorMel House