My little Petey

3 years ago I did something so strange I still can't really grasp it. My little Petey was taken from his little "Petrie dish" and I took my 8 cell large little one home in my uterus. The whole process was one we prayed about and discussed for quite some time. There were disagreements with the specialist (there's a whole lot I could say about that) that made it all very stressful but our one and only embryo, Petey, came home with me that day. And stranger yet, though Norm is Peteys father, he wasn't even in the country at the time. (Wrap your head around that for a moment 🤔. ) Petey didn't live long in my womb but he had a profound effect on my life. I remember Petey and this day every year 💔 The Mel of the NorMel House