I received a very special gift...

I received a very special gift from a friend this week. She wrote me a beautiful card that brought tears to my eyes and gave me this incredibly thoughtful gift. D is for my angel baby Denver (December 30 2015). The 5 clear beads are for each of my other angelbabies gone before Denver. She knew that mother's day is going to be hard for me again this year and wanted to make sure I knew that she holds me in her thoughts and prayers. As I sit here writing there's tears rolling down my cheeks for so many reasons. The loss of my babies, the sadness of another mother's day to pass with empty arm's, the beauty of friendship, the thoughtfulness of others, the comfort in knowing we have a family in Christ, the knowledge that I am NOT alone, the joy in the knowledge I will some day get to hold my 6 babies in perfection and so much more. She wrote some beautiful words to me that made me feel she understood
"Some mothers get to hold and raise their children, others only get to weep over the babies they loved and lost. But remember, having empty arm's makes them no less a mother."
"The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18
God truly knows our needs and wants. He graciously gave me friends who are kind and respectful of my grief. To every woman or mother out there with empty arm's I say find rest in the arms of our Savior. To every woman who's arms can feel burdened down by their labor of love I say the arms of our Heavenly Father never weary or tire and He can carry the burdens for you if you ask Him too. God truly is good
The NorMel House where days may not always be easy but the burden has been lifted by our God


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