
I'm not a morning person.
Much better than I used to be but still,  I need that time.
I hit snooze (only once because hearing anything more than once, that early, gets annoying.) Amidst cracking and popping sounds I stretch out each limb. Most days praying it all will hold when I attempt to stand up. Most mornings prayer really is the first thing going through my mind. 'Let this body work right today.' If I take my time, it gets there eventually. However, on occasion, I'm repeating that prayer from the floor, or back on the bed.
I'm not complaining, it is what it is; we all have our own things to deal with in life. Still, it forces me to start my day in the right place: Prayer. Sometimes I'm humming or singing by the time the daytime kids show up, but more often I'm listening to someone else sing or speak of God. I like that time. Starting the day with God is a blessing. In a way that makes my "cross" a blessing. God promises to turn all things to the good of those who love Him, and He truly does. Sometimes praising God through our trials simply requires opening our eyes to seeing those blessings.
If I'm being honest I would have to say that my attitude isn't always this enlightened, which makes this moment one to be thankful for. I am thankful for God's grace in my life and that's something worth singing about (even if it is only silently in my head).
May your day start with praise!
The Mel in The NorMel House.


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