Conversations with a 3 year old...

It's amazing to see the 3 year old mind at work. You try and teach them things; read the Bible and pray with them, sing songs and try teach them things like the alphabet, counting, colors and so much more. And then you hear them saying things or talking while playing or "teaching" their younger siblings and you realize what they've absorbed or mentally worked out or the conclusions they've drawn on their own. It amazes me, it makes me laugh, and sometimes even makes me cry. I've been going through the beginning of the Bible to try teach them and I'm so proud of my little daytime 3 year old! We just had a long conversation where we talked about God and she told me about the bad snake in the garden. Hearing what she said and the things she's understood may have got my eyes watering... or as she would say "my tears were coming!" Children are such a precious blessing and I pray I'll be a blessing to all my little daytime kiddos. I hope that even if they dont remember me when their older they'll be instilled with the values and wisdom I've tried to impart.
From the Mel in the NorMel House, may you too be a blessing to the children in your lives.


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