Pondering depression and how to cope

What does one do when they're thoughts aren't really their own? When the body isn't balanced and the mind is playing tricks on you; what do you do? Depression is one example of what I mean. Logically speaking there's nothing wrong with a person's life but the chemical balance tells you you can't deal. You can't do it, you can't go on. The mind searches for a reason for these feelings and thoughts, and you find anything to justify them. But if you are lucky enough to see what's going on you know that isn't how things really are. Yes you really feel that way - the emotions are there - but if you could take emotion out of it,  you don't actually think that. So how do you deal with those emotions? They can be overwhelming, they can be over powering, they can make everything feel black, but oh to be Spock and turn them off. I know it's possible to not listen to the ideas formed in those moments, but is there actually a way to change the chemical balance without medication? Those who give in may not have to deal with it again, but the devastation that brings to those who love you (whether you realize that love it not) is heart breaking. Yes, there are methods like DBT (which is very helpful), but it seems to me there is no real cure. Situational depression can go away, and often medication can help chemical depression, but wouldn't it be nice to find a natural solution? I don't have an answer. Yes, I know, in the weakest moments you can't listen to the emotional thoughts. Try to train yourself to accept the emotion is real but it's not truth. I'm not even sure that will make sense to anyone reading, but it's the way I've managed.
If you've got answers I would love to hear them...


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