So much #beauty #flowers #noartistlikeTheArtist #Godrenews

The NorMel House instagram so much beauty...

So much beauty.

So incredibly delicate yet tough. So much more than a simple flower. It reminds me of hope. It reminds me of God's consistency in creation. It reminds me of mercy new every morning. It reminds me of who is really in control of life and to stop and appreciate it. It reminds me that beauty can exist in the middle of this marred and broken world. It reminds me that the great Giver indeed does give us our daily needs.

I'm not a plant person, I don't remember to water the plants inside my house and I do absolutely nothing for the ones outside. Still these reflections of work by the Great Artist come back ever year to remind me that even though we may have a bleak and cold season beauty and warmth will return. #Godissogreat #NoartistlikeTheArtist#Godrenews #Godgivesusallweneed#HopeinHim #Bestill #ChildofGod


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