#FathersDay #emptyarms

Had this beautiful boy been born on his due date he would have turned two yesterday. How different our lives would be.
Today we celebrate fathers. Most of us are hugging and smiling and saying "Happy Father's Day!" to more than one person. I'm thankful for the many wonderful fathers in my life, but part of me mourns. We often remember the women who grieve on mother's day, but what about the fathers with empty arms? I look at my dearest love and I know he would be an amazing parent. Despite being a father of 7 he doesn't have the blessing of being a parent. Most guys probably wouldn't talk about this but I think they deserve to be remembered too. So while I say happy Father's day to the many amazing parents in my life I think of those who may not find this day so happy. Those who have lost a father or fathers who have lost their child (or children). May you find comfort in the best Father there is, our Heavenly Father.  #FathersDay #emptyarms#rememberthosewhomourn#thankfulforourHeavenlyFather


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