Day 3

We'll, I've made it to day 3. Wasn't sure if I'd even make it through 1 day so I'm counting this as a win. I haven't quit, or given up, just feeling rather crummy. Unfortunately I was sick most of the holidays with this awful cough/cold/Head flu bug that's been going around. On the plus side I got a TON of sleep (not that it seems to have kicked it or the exhaustion 🤯). Still sniffling, still croaky when I wake up and at bedtime, still super tired. However I think maybe the dietary changes may becoming the culprit... Yup. I said it. The D word. There's been many of those that have failed, however this is a little different. I want to make some lifestyle changes and start learning to make better choices. I did some research and had a long chat with a friend and decided I'm going to try the keto method. I'm pretty sure my head is seriously missing sugar and carbs already 🤦🏼‍♀️ but I really need to start getting healthy and happy. Life hasn't been easy these last few years and I haven't been too kind to my body. So I'm hitting my bed at 2 in the afternoon to try sleep off some of the Keto flu (or remnants of the holiday flu) and hopefully I'll stick to my guns this time. (It's kinda helpful that I'm a huge meat lover). Hope you all had a merry Christmas and have a happy new year!
Positivity in Christ and taking care of what He's given me is my desire for 2019
The Mel in The NorMel House


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