Playing catch-up #Keto #cleaning #purge #justanotherday

Day 26
Life goes on in The NorMel House. We Google ways to make Keto-friendly dinner and snack options but mostly just skip those starchy aspects of our meals we used to love. It's an interesting change and learning curve but while we may miss the juice (or in Nor's case the breads), we can't deny the results. He never actually weighed himself but thinks he's down about 10 lbs from his pre-holiday weight. Me? Glad you asked! I'm down a surprising (at least to me) 12 lbs. I don't mind the diet that much, it's more that I have a harder time finding replacement foods due to all my allergies and intolerances. It's alright though. Still have a hard time actually eating enough in a day but I'm getting better at that. It's really hard to eat 1500 Calories worth of food when you're not used to eating much!
Lots of things going on, some of which I'll tell of at a later date. One thing I will say is that we've been on a big cleaning and purging binge! No, we haven't watched that new Netflix show that everyone keeps talking about, lol, I only know because ppl keep asking if we're doing it because we watched that chick (sorry, can't remember her name, maybe Anna something or Lynn? I don't know). It's just time to accept that we've got too much stuff and it's been hard to keep up with the cleaning.
Norwex sales have picked up which has added to the busyness, and soon enough I'll have my first daytime kiddo back regularly again, as well as her little brother. She's the Rainbow of my heart and my "Pumkin" and I'm happy to have them coming.
We had some interesting few weeks. Nor took a week off the same week my daytime kiddo didn't need me (his dad took a week off). We played Lego Indiana Jones quite a bit, visited the parents, his & mine. We dealt with a non-working furnace which, if you are a local Ontarian you'll know, happened to be during a rediculously cold time. Huge snowstorms and so cold that Frostbite warnings kept being spouted on the radio. I like cold, it's better than being too hot. However when the house was down to 12 on the main floor and colder yet in the basement even I had to admit it was a bit too cold lol. Needless to say, it was a good thing I didn't have my daytime kiddo because we didn't have any heaters! All is well now in The NorMel House as it thankfully turned out to be the sensors needed cleaning.  Plus after having a guy come back to quote a new furnace I'm thinking this one better last a while longer!
Anyways, been under the weather and dealing with serious back and leg pain lately so I'm supposed to be napping - orders of Nor - so I best sign off for now.
From the NorMel House to yours, stay warm and dry folks, God has given us some frosty weather!


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