#Angelbabies #Mothersday

Today I made a little white Angel Baby Sack. Because there are all kinds of mothers. Good moms (like mine), bad moms, moms of moms, moms that have their arms full and moms that have emptyarms. This little white bedding is made in case a mom has to lay their little one to rest. Today I mourned the loss of so many more than my own little babies. I thought and prayed for the mother's who said good bye to their children before they were ready.  The little blue bed was for another little boy who was laid to rest this past week. We're never ready to lose our children. We're never ready to lose our moms either. I thought and prayed for those who lost their moms today too. But I don't know what that feels like. I do know what it feels like to bear a child, hold that child in your hands and then have to lay that child in the ground. And although I can't say or do anything to take away the incredible hurt that causes I can try provide something soft and beautiful to lay their child to rest in. I hope and pray that all the mother's out there were shown appreciation from someone. Anyone. Because although I don't get to parent my own children I have been shown appreciation by the children in my life (and their parents). I've been given a gift. My children are safely in the arms of my Heavenly Father and I have been blessed to be a part of other  children's lives. They light up my life, they bring me so much joy and I am thankful for them every day. I don't wish the loss of a child on anyone, but I have seen how God has worked it to my good, just like He promised He would. Because God is good. #angelbaby #MothersDay #moms #Mothers #motherless #mourn #mourning #loss #praying #soft #layingtorest #parent #children #appreciation #gift #safelyinHisHands #HeavenlyFather #blessed #child #light #joy #losingachild #Godisgood
The Mel in the NorMel House


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