A quick note...

I'm not sure what to say. I've been absent from here for a while; life has been so very busy. Lots of emotional moments and so much going on. Yet somehow I'm still not sure what to write about. A myriad of emotions and thoughts and my mind has changed so many times. Norm has been gone alot but I joined him on one of his trips and we had a mini vacation. We got back in time to start and have now finished taking the P.R.I.D.E. course through CAS. Daycare kids and schedules have changed. A neice was born and baptized. Schedule changed again. Xena came in heat and I'm sure Roxie will too soon. There's so much more to say, but I think I'll sign off for now... children dawdling over their lunch should probably be encouraged to finish.
The Mel in NorMel House, anything but normal.


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