slow down

Tonight I was forced to slow down; I guess you could say, in more ways than one. Cars slowed and traffic backed up and came to a momentary halt. We started creeping forward only to all squeeze to whatever side of the 2 lane highway we could get so the vehicle's with lights and sounds could get by. On their way to something more important than wherever we were headed. Then, once again, we start attempting to move on. The loud crunching under the tires gives an ominous warning of what's ahead. My heart sinks as I come upon a scene that no one ever wishes for. A car, resting upside down on its hood, crunched, glass from its windows spread everywhere. Two more vehicles off to the side looking dismal. My thoughts turn to the lives changed by a moment. One moment can change lives. One moment can end a life. One moment can change the course of lives.
The word moment has so much meaning to me. Such a seemingly simple word yet it holds so much importance. Just breathe for a moment. Just a moment of your time. A moment of silence. Taking a moment to stop and smell the roses. 
Slow down. Think about these moments. Think about what you do in every moment. Each one could impact a life forever. 
The Mel in the NorMel House 


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