James 4:14

 "...yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." 

I recently had a conversation about moments (in truth I have this conversation alot) and this just solidifies my thinking. We only have moments. Some people get years worth of moments, others get only a few. We ought to appreciate the moments we have, in humility, because we do not know how many moments we will have. We're here for "a little time" it seems to me that James 4 is telling us how to live those moments, not in fighting or coveting, but in yearning for the Spirit and submitting ourselves humbly to God. How often don't we waste the moments we're given on selfish things or with sinful attitudes. I'm reminded once again that each moment is a precious gift from God and should be used wisely.


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