God is with us through ALL things!

 Have you ever gone through something and felt alone?  Maybe you lost a loved one, or had a serious illness. Maybe you live with chronic pain, or had a battle with cancer. Whatever it is that you have gone through, you may have felt that no one could possibly understand how hard it was or how broken you felt. I know I have. I've felt the crushing weight of grief, I've been misunderstood and felt the judgements of others, I've sat alone pouring my soul out to our Saviour. I felt alone. I didn't think anyone could possibly understand how it felt, but I was wrong. We only have to open our Bible to see how we are never alone! Our Saviour's love is so great and our God is so powerful that He is with us at all times! But that's not all! All throughout scripture we are told that God is not only with us, but He hears us, He heals us and He understands our pain.

Zephaniah 3:17 He is in our midst!
Psalm 56:8 He cares so much He even counts our tears!
Psalm 18:6 He hears our cries
Psalm 34:18 When we're broken hearted and our Spirit is crushed He is with us! He saves us
Numbers 6:26 He gives us peace

Wow. What an amazing comfort! And this is only a taste of what He gives us and has in store for us! When you feel the weight of the world, when it seems no one understands your pain you can be assured that God is with you; Jesus went through more in his time on earth than you and I will ever go through. He knows our pain, He feels our pain, He grieves with us and holds our hurting hearts in His comforting hands. Next time you feel alone let Him tell you how close He is to you. Open His Word and let Him remind you how near to you He truly is. "For if God is with us, who can stand against us?" Romans 8:31


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