#Psalm #prayer #trustinGod

June 15, 2004
A Psalm

O Lord, my God and King
Hasten to my aid
I am weary with my crying
May Satan's hand be stayed

Rescue me from evil
From temptations fierce and strong
I am dragged down by my own sin
For Your strength Oh Lord, I long

Within me is a constant war
I cannot fight alone
O God of Glory, hear me!
I pray don't leave me on my own

For without Your mighty Hand
O Lord, I'd surely die
Save me from myself, O God
Please hear my constant cry

You alone can save me
All my trust is in Your Name
For You alone are powerful
From age to age the same

O God, You are ever merciful
I know You hear my plea
I trust that in Your Will and time
You will answer me


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