Sometimes life can feel overwhelming but we can feel strength in our Savior. Ask the Spirit to lead you, call upon His Name and let your soul rest in His embrace.
Today I made a little white Angel Baby Sack. Because there are all kinds of mothers. Good moms (like mine), bad moms, moms of moms, moms that have their arms full and moms that have emptyarms. This little white bedding is made in case a mom has to lay their little one to rest. Today I mourned the loss of so many more than my own little babies. I thought and prayed for the mother's who said good bye to their children before they were ready. The little blue bed was for another little boy who was laid to rest this past week. We're never ready to lose our children. We're never ready to lose our moms either. I thought and prayed for those who lost their moms today too. But I don't know what that feels like. I do know what it feels like to bear a child, hold that child in your hands and then have to lay that child in the ground. And although I can't say or do anything to take away the incredible hurt that causes I can try provide something soft and beautiful to la...
Confused... Puzzled... Confuzzled That's how my brain is atm (at-the-moment). Have you ever had it that you really badly want something, but at the same time you really don't want it and you can't figure out how that can possibly be? Weird thing is, I really don't feel like I FEEL anything about it other than confusion over the emotions that surface randomly. It's all rather puzzling. After wanting and losing so many children I came to a point where I thought 'I really don't want any more children.' I didn't get to keep the ones I've had but I don't feel the desire or need to have more. Maybe it's a defense mechanism... but it doesn't feel like it. It almost feels logical. Like it's time to move on, and live life outside of that desire. I've never had an issue getting pregnant, it usually happened the 2nd or 3rd month we tried. For some unknown reason I have just never carried to full term. The only change the Fertility ...
Cuteness overload. Yup, I have a puppy addiction. But who doesn't???? Seriously, there can't be too many things that are more heartwarming, cheering, and comforting than a puppy snuggle/pile. There's something so therapeutic about snuggling tiny, soft, squirmy, nuzzling, adorable and still blind puppies. Their eyes aren't open yet, and they act like hungry little hippos grabbing onto any skin they can(like my chin, or my nose, or fingers). A few days old they've already grown quite a bit, and their fat little tummies are hilariously adorable as they shuffle around looking for momma. I tell you, my Mr Knightly sure makes some adorable puppies. Don't believe me? Try telling me this isn't one of the cutest things you've seen... From the NorMel House where things are anything but normal, hug a puppy today, you won't regret it
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