A God who listens

This week we heard who we should bring our troubles to; who we should turn to when we're going through tough times. What an amazing #blessing to know that the one we turn to listens and hears us! We call on a God who listens! As our #TuesdayTunes says
"I’m not just hoping, I’m not just wishin’ 
I know I’m praying to a God who listens
I know He hears me, I know He’s livin’
Yes I am praying to a God who listens"
Check out Chris Tomlin and Thomas Rhett's "God who listens" and go through your week with this comfort; knowing that we pray to a God who knows your name, draws you close, and listens to your cries! 


#Godwholistens #ChrisTomlin #ThomasRhett #comfort #Heknowsyourname #Godhears #Godlistens


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