As waiting for a better day...

My heart hurts. My soul is oh so weary. 

This year started off pretty crummy and the world is taking it all downhill. 

New Year's Eve plans got canceled as Norm was sick that week and I started getting sick that morning. We still managed to play some games online with friends, but the month of January was spent with my body going through every possible flu symptom you could think of. So I stayed home and kept myself away from anyone but norm. After everything this body has been through it was already worn out before the virus hit. 

There's so much I want to say about February. So many things my heart has been crying out to God about, so my things that have brought me to my knees, that I've wept over, prayed constantly about, and had extreme anxiety over. The world will tell you many versions of what's gone on in our nations capital. I believe the many friends I have that walked the streets, that prayed with hundreds of others, sang hymns, psalms, and our national anthem, that shoveled snow, cleaned up the streets, fed anyone and everyone who wanted it. For nearly 3 weeks now there has been hope, love and comraderie. People hugged and shared with total strangers, people gave generously, enjoyed freedom from masks and didn't stand 6 ft apart. And despite all that the covid "numbers" are lower than ever. And despite that fact and that over 90% of our nations is vaccinated our Prime Minister has behaved shamefully, tried to incite violence and refused to do the job he's been appointed to do. I've never been so disappointed and ashamed of my government before. Our country is down a dark path and I fear it will only get worse. Today, a serious abuse of power put a stain on our country, one that will probably bring controversy to the history books. It blows my mind that the government and main stream media blatantly lie about the facts and unfortunately there are people who believe them, instead of seeing the many videos portraying the truth of the brutality Trudeau pushed upon the very people he's supposed to be defending and helping. In a digital age where everything is recorded and livestreamed to the masses online it makes no sense for them to lie. I've been in constant prayer for days. Prayed for peace, wisdom and safety for everyone involved. Wept for those who choose not to see the truth and for the many people who are hurting world-wide. We're in a time like no other in history and I fear it will only get worse. May God come quickly and have mercy on our souls. Most people don't know how many verses there are in our national anthem, or that its really a prayer we should all be praying,  the last verse in particular. We've taken it for granted for far too long. So I ask that you pray with me. Pray for our country, pray for our government, pray the prayer our Nation once thought so important it ended our national anthem with it.

Ruler Supreme, Who hearest humble prayer,

Hold our dominion within Thy loving care.

Help us to find, O God, in Thee

A lasting, rich reward,

As waiting for the Better Day,

We ever stand on guard.

This song has run through my head so oft of late. I think I just need to remind myself to lay it all before the only one who is actually able to save us. To quote Casting Crowns:

Oh, my soul

You are not alone

There's a place where fear has to face the God you know

One more day, He will make a way

Let Him show you how, you can lay this down

'Cause you're not alone

May He hear my humble prayer



  1. Beautiful yet sad. Many weep and pray with you ❤️


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