Its been nine years

9 years ago I found out the most exciting news ever! Not only was one test positive, but 2 tests! Norm and I were parents, and in 9 months we'd get to meet our beautiful child. We were ecstatic! By the time I went to see my doctor I had a bad feeling something wasn't right. My doctor passed it all off as first time mom jitters. And then at 13 weeks I had some spotting, and in my heart of hearts I knew I was right. A trip to the hospital confirmed what I'd suspected, our child had gone on to be with our Lord weeks earlier, about the same time I spoke to my doctor. Our hearts were shattered that day. But today I choose to remember the joy, the joy of that moment when I saw those two little lines appear. I'll see my baby again someday and I'll hold her in my arms and thank God for her life. 

Til that day...


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