#Busylife #Puppies #breederslife #newventures #selfemployed


Between #puppies  #Norwex #LegArt #leggings and babysitting a little 1 year old a few days a week it's been a busy household here at #TheNorMelHouse
Little Polar Piglet no longer is a chubby little piggy, and has become a spunky, playful, energetic and fun little pup. Her brother Knightly Jr (soon to be called Vader) is a super sweet, gentle, calm and endearing little guy. He seems to have his father's gentle and soft side. If I didn't know better I think I'd have wanted to keep him. However they go to their new homes soon, and that's how it should be. I can't keep them all (my husband says so lol). I've gained some new aspects to my life as you may have noticed but I'll save that for another day. Hope your February has been going well! If you're here in Ontario, enjoy the beautiful weather while we have it!
From #TheNorMelHouse to yours, hope you have a fantastic Family Day holiday today!


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