#puppies #schnauzer #cutenessoverload #heartmelting

My Polar Piglet. Although, that may not stay an accurate description as the older she gets the less she looks like a polar bear...She's pretty adorable though, if I do say so myself. She's got spunk too and I think she hunts in her sleep. She twitches, growls, makes tiny barking noises and sometimes seems like she's trying to run lol. I will miss these moments. Have you ever raised anything from birth? (Besides a person obviously) seeing them grow and develop from the moment their born. The amazing changes that happen so fast. It's no wonder people say life is fleeting. This little cutie is 33 days old and in those 33 days she's has grown a LOT. She has gone from wiggling to crawling to walking to play fighting. She's gone from eyes being sealed shut to open and seeing and to very obviously watching me. She's gone from momma having to come feed her milk to tromping in the water bowl and eating kibble. You would think that with the amount of puppies I've seen and raised through the years I wouldn't notice or be so affected by it, but what can I say? Every little being is a new one and each has their own personality and reminds me how amazing it really is. Life truly is a miracle. When you think of all the things that have to occur and take place in just the right way at the right time in order for one life to be born you can't help but see how miraculous it truly is. Life is precious, and I'm going to enjoy and treasure every moment with these little cuties...
#theNorMelHouse where puppies is synonymous with cuddles and therapy lol


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