I'm tired
Not just "I could use an extra hour" kind of tired, but exhausted. Yes, I'm an insomniac so I am used to being tired, but this is different. In the middle of a Fibroflare. Weather is killing the joints, body isn't adjusting to the diet, brain is on overtime with work and the chest infection (that's supposed to be cleared from antibiotics) is still making me cough whenever I try lay down. Bone deep tired. Social media definitely doesn't help. I keep seeing all these lovely posts of people going to warmer climates on vacations and the green eyed monster is sighing inside. It's also that time of year when SAD kicks in and makes it harder to stay happy. I know I'm not alone in that, many people suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Thankfully the sun is at least shining today. We've had some pretty crazy weather here in Ontario lately and the kids have had SO MANY snow days! I wonder if they made a record this year lol.  I don't normally get affected by the school snow days but when the mother of your day-time kiddo is a teacher you aren't needed on the days the school isn't open. It may be good that I've had some time off from daycare duties, but it doesn't usually stop me from working. I've had a number of events for my NorMel House Apparel business, and actually did a few parties for Norwex again this year. I actually had a party and an event this past weekend.
Have I mentioned my apparel business before? For someone who used to hate clothing shopping and could never buy online for fear of fitting issues I've discovered I LOVE my little Boutique Business. Super Soft leggings, capris, joggers and yoga band items, and comfortable long tops that you can confidently wear with them. No point in getting leggings if you don't have the right tops to wear with them :) I have a company I'm affiliated with, but only for some of what I carry. Feel free to check them out NorMel LegArt . I do most of my sales through Facebook though in my group NorMelHouseApparel I don't have a big company lol just a little in home Boutique where people can come try things on and see what I carry. Anyways, I should probably get working on said apparel business! Going to be a lot busier as I get two more day-time kiddos starting tomorrow!

From the NorMel House where we keep going, because God has a plan and reason for all things. Trust His plan.


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