Who belongs in church?

Create in me a clean pure heart and renew a right spirit within me. Let my life be dedicated to You and put words of grace and love on my lips. Let my life be a light in the darkness that is our sinful world. 

I go to church not because I'm a good person, but because I know I'm not. It's there I meet with other sinners who know their need for God's redeeming Grace. It's only through this Grace that I know I'm a Child of God. Church is not a place for pride or self-righteousness. It's the place for humility; for acknowledging sin and asking for the forgiveness we're so amazingly blessed with in Jesus Christ.

Lord I pray,
Grant Your Spirit this day
Forgive me my sin,
 time and again
Through the blood of Your Son
May Thy Will for my life be done.

The Mel in the NorMel House 


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