A precious gift

Today I blew raspberries in my nephews neck. A-DOR-A-BLE! I didn't think it possible, but the moment got even cuter when I tried to pause for some air and he leaned his head over to try get more!  Nothing gets me quite like the giggles of a baby or child.
Children are precious gifts, given to people for a time. Appreciate every moment, because even if God allows you to keep them here they still grow up; and while there's still wonderful moments, each stage will bring something different. I had but a moment with my last child, he was here and gone before anyone else could even meet him. I'm thankful for that precious moment. It was more than I had with his siblings before him. I'm not trying to bring tears or sadness. I just hope that even through the dirty diapers, the sleepless nights, the crying, the lack of energy and the many other hard things that come with parenting you'll remember to cherish the moments of beauty. The precious weight on your chest as your child sleeps, the open mouthed slobbery kisses, the moments they learn all their 'firsts', and the moments they hold on to you. They truly are a beautiful gift, and I'm thankful I have so many nephews and nieces I can steal moments like that with. 
To all of you who struggle with the desire to have children, who have lost children, or cannot have children for some reason; my prayers are with you for strength, comfort, and peace. For those of you who are knee deep in the trenches of parenthood and feel like they're drowning; I pray you'll find relief and not be so overwhelmed with the difficulties you aren't able to enjoy the good moments. And if you live near me, I'd love to help you out so don't be shy!

From the NorMel House, where things are anything but normal!


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