Fresh start

Ok...I got this!

The NorMel House has been through quite a bit the last few years, and having never written a blog before I honestly don't know what to say...which is rare. If you ask my better half he'd probably tell you I've always got something to say and my usual response is that someone has to do the talking so why not me, right? Whether or not people pay attention really doesn't always matter; I find myself talking to my dogs throughout the day, but I know they get it. And they always appreciate a good conversation ;)

I'm a woman of many interests as you'll probably figure out...but maybe I should leave that for another day's thoughts. It's currently 3 AM and let's be honest, if I was sleeping right now this probably wouldn't have happened. Boredom has a way of making things happen!

This year started out with loss and there's been many hurdles but I think I'm finally getting a handle on things again... Starting fresh! New ideas and jobs and projects, so why not a new blog!

From the NorMel House, where things are anything but normal! Good night y'all!


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