Busy Saturday #IloveNorwex #IndependentNorwexConsultant

Saturday...Don't you love Saturdays? I do.
Saturday's are great. I get to spend time with the hubby, and we either get lots done oooooor nothing at all. Despite the dismal grey looming out the front window; today has actually been a fruitful and rewarding day so far! The Nor of the family has put carpet down in the basement and is currently working on our front door. I have to laugh. We've been here for over 6 years and we're finally working on the front door. We never really use it so we never really think about it; unfortunately there comes those moments when someone comes that isn't a usual guest and you embarrassingly realize you still haven't fixed it. I'm happy to say the side door was made a beautiful slate blue a few weeks ago already, and the last few layers of paint on the front door will hopefully be gone soon! You have to love the hideous teals and yellows they used back in the 50s...
The Mel in the family, aka me, has attempted to get things done as well...It's been a busy Norwex day for me. Between cleaning with my awesome Norwex cloths and mop, and having people stop in for Norwex products, I'm feeling rather productive! If you don't know about Norwex, let me tell you, it'll change your life! I have always hated cleaning, abhorred dusting and had issues doing any scrubbing (my arms got some issues and the pain has made cleaning extremely painful and difficult the last few years). Today I cleaned two more windows (inside and out), dry mopped and wet mopped the floor, and even managed to wet dust the kitchen walls and ledges. Seriously love how much more I can and WANT to do now that I've switched to Norwex.

To those of you who get embarrassed easily, skip the next paragraph lol

My four legged babies have been busy today too! Pretty sure I'll be having a few extra four legged babies around the house in about 9 weeks...if you know what I mean! ;) I do love my puppies so I am definitely looking forward to that!

Now, I'm off to do a bit more cleaning, make some dinner and hopefully snuggle up to the hubby on the couch for a while later :)
Hope you have a blessed Sunday tomorrow!
From the NorMel House where things are anything but normal


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