It's April in Ontario, surprised? #Aprilsnow #takingiteasy

The wind is currently whipping hard drops of rain around my house (I'm feeling rather thankful for the solid brick walls and firm foundation this home has!). The ground outside is covered in layers of snow and ice, and now rain too.

Welcome to April in Ontario Canada.

Nope, I'm not complaining, it could be worse! And while a lot of people are asking where spring is I feel I must point out that they've obviously forgotten where they live! (I say this with a smile on my face as this weather really isn't abnormal for Southern Ontario in April).  Nevertheless, I do understand the desire for spring. This brisk, wet and cold weather makes us appreciate the sunny days even more. The cold and flu season drags on and those of us blessed with the ability to stay home on a day like today are grateful for the warmth indoors.
I'm curling up in bed with my coffee, my 3 sleeping and content four-legged babies (one of which is snoring loudly - ahem, Roxie!), and a stack of books on my nightstand. Although, if I'm being honest, I fully intend to go back to sleep once my coffee is done. The periodic interuptions of a frisky 9 month old Mini Schnauzer have come to an end as Xena has finally found a "sleepworthy" spot. Unlike Mr. Knightly, she just plopped herself down beside my feet because taking up my leg space always seems to be her goal. Mr Knightly is a funny one. He likes to dig and try get all the imaginary lumps out of a spot before laying down. It's rather amusing to watch this short little dog with his front paws digging so fast his whole body bounces trying to make it just right. I'm not sure what it is that he's aiming for but a sudden stop, a circle or two and 'hrumph' and drop let you know when he's got it. I truly love my animal babies. They make everyday more interesting; their unconditional love is something to strive for. 

And now my coffee is done and so is this little note of the day.
Stay warm and dry folks, the April showers aren't over yet.
The NorMel House is warm and dry, call me if you want to come warm up with a coffee or tea! I'm sure I'll be up in an hour or so!


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