#Goodday #Saturdays #feelinggood

Today was a good day. In fact, I think I'd call it a great day! I woke up this morning, rolled over and snuggled my sweetheart. It's not often that he sleeps in so it was kinda nice to wake up with him actually beside me.
Saturdays are usually set for getting things done around the NorMel House, but today we just stayed and chatted and took our time. It was so nice, but eventually our 3 suckies let us know it was time to get up. I think this is the first time I've gotten out of bed on the "right" side in a while cuz I decided I wanted to feel pretty today. So I put on something that made me feel good and for the first time in a long time I actually put makeup on! After enjoying coffee with my wonderful hubby I decided to get some boutique work done and shot out an invite for people to come shop my stock today. It was a rather productive day; if I do say so myself.

So I took my good feeling even farther. I decided I needed a change and got a haircut.  The glorious sunshine today probably had a helping hand in my good mood, I actually walked to the hairdresser. The haircut was decidedly going to be a chop.

If I could afford to I think I'd have that lady wash my hair all the time; the scalp massage does wonders for tension, and there's the added bonus that your hair gets washed, dried and styled afterwards for you! My head seems so light now it feels like it's floating. I never seem to realize how heavy long hair can be til I chop it off.
Ok, maybe not a chop by everyone's standards, but it feels pretty great to me! Funny how a change can be so cheering. I was in such a positive mood I spent the rest of the night (and apparently an hour into the next morning) working. And so, seeing as how it's now close to 2 am I should probably say goodnight and turn off the tech... 

So goodnight from The NorMel House to yours... And don't be afraid to make a change sometime, it can do wonders to pick you up!


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