#Fall #birthdays #puppies #Sundaymusings

The sun is shining, and despite the heat waves and warnings we've had lately it seems the Fall breeze is here. I love the Fall in Ontario. The leaves on the trees change into a myriad of oranges, yellows and reds. The air becomes crisp and fresh and the humidity that characterizes our summers is finally gone. I have to laugh because despite the heat we've had, our sister province to the west had snow...in September. I wouldn't want to skip the Fall we have; there's something so beautiful about it that it just makes me sigh.
This week will mark my 34th birthday. Some days my achy body makes me feel so old I can't believe it's only 34. Other days I look at my life and can't understand how that much time has passed; life seems frozen in place. My sweet Cara-Mia being gone, and my cute Xena growing up seem to be the only markers to show life has continued. Though on occasion I'm shocked when I realize how much older my nephews and nieces are. It doesn't seem possible they've grown up so much. Such is life in the childless home. I'm not sad right now, just reflecting on how different circumstances make for different purposes and lives.
I'm currently looking forward to several vendor events in the next two months, and then the possibility of a litter of puppies! It's been so long it seems that I can't wait for puppy piles, little puppy kisses and snuggles. Roxie and Knightly had alot of Knightly look-a-likes in their litters, and always a white one. This will be Xena's first litter so it'll be interesting to see which colors she'll have. I'll probably be doing a bit of puppy picture spamming if it happens.
So, what's left to say for today? Probably the most weighted thing on my mind. It's a beautiful Sunday and I'm missing time with my church family again. As hard as the struggle is with all these trips to the specialist I think it's harder still when you end up going during a church service. Part of me knows you can't change what day your cycle falls on and the timing of it all, but another part wonders if I should be letting it interfere with my church attendance. You miss out on communion with your fellow believers and the encouragement and strength you get from worship. I'm not entirely certain how God feels about this. Are we ignoring His call to worship for selfish desires? Or is the attempt to ''be fruitful and multiply' one that He desires us to persue even today? I'm thoroughly certain there are arguments to both lines of thought but I don't know where to stand. Does my conscience acuse me because of God or man? Or is it due to something else? I don't have an answer, so I continue and remind myself to pray for His direction. May God lead me through this race called life and lift me over the hurdles and hills.
In sincerity,
The NorMel House
May you find the path God chooses


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