The Flower of Life...

The Flower of Life

It sprouts up like a flower, bold and beautiful
It rises like the sun at dawn, growing brighter and warmer
It comes bringing joy and love
And it breathes the breath of life

Then it withers, and gone is the beauty it came with
It fades like the sun at dusk and leaves behind a cold, cruel darkness
It leaves and with it goes the joy and love it came with
And it breathes it’s last breath.

You think it’s gone forever
And for it your heart does yearn
But if you listen carefully
There is something you will learn

All the joy and love you miss
Is not gone forever
For this earth is but a passing phase
That we endure together

So do not weep and worry long
There is a God above
And He hears our simple prayers
He gives us all His love.
    Melynda Hoeksema


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