#poetry #poem #war #soldiers #remember

I've always been very expressive about my emotions; I've been told I should publish my writings but I somehow don't think that in a digital world it would be worth it...I could be wrong, but either way I thought I'd share something I wrote years ago and see how it goes...

Wars and battles have always struck me emotionally and I've written a number of poems about the subject...

7 September, 2002
Dreamer’s Cause

Dreamers die in fatal lands
Still grasping for hope
With outstretched hands
Dreamers die out on the fields
For what good do they bring
What do their dreams yield
Someone’s dreams becomes a cause
Spreading like fire on summer’s grass
They get up to fight without a moments pause
Ignore the foes’ guns and weapons and gas
Dreaming of better they make things worse
Their lives become a dreadful nightmare
They fulfill the soldiers curse
Dreamers die out on the fields
In foreign lands, its our freedom they steal.
        Melynda Hoeksema (Reinink at the time of writing)

Don't take your freedom for granted, it came at a very expensive cost.

The NorMel House


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