A letter to my unborn child #IVF #onedayposttransfer #lettertomychild #ifyouonlyknew

Oct 30, 2018
My dear child
I can honestly say that I've loved you from the moment you were conceived. I thought about you. I prayed for you and I couldn't wait to bring you home.
The day I carried you home seemed strangely quiet to me. It seemed the whole world should have celebrated, like something huge happened. Because, for me, the whole world had changed. Suddenly, I was responsible for this tiny being! You needed me! I think I needed you almost as much; I wasn't sure I'd be able to live if something happened to you. So many times I prayed for you. I talked to you constantly, pleading for you to grow healthy and strong. I continue to pray for this still; be strong my dear little one! I don't know if you'll ever read this but you are so loved. So new to this world and yet the thoughts and prayers of many are with you already. So grow my child, whatever you need from me I will give.
All my love


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