Happy anniversary my love

8 years

Seems like yesterday but yet a lifetime ago.

Through thick and thin, through sickness and trials, through so much you have loved me. Through hospital stays, surgeries, loss, and grief; through all nighters bottle feeding puppies, through puppy piles and kisses, through raising 3 dogs and losing another. Through cottage stays, long drives, staycations and my many projects. You have stuck with me and loved me through it all.

8 years ago we made a promise to each other and to God and not a day goes by that I still can't believe I'm lucky enough to be loved by you. I pray we'll have many more years together and that every day I'll show you in some way how much you mean to me. You're the Norm in my NorMel, I love you to the moon and back my dearest one. Though you're currently half a world away I hope you're having a wonderful day, happy anniversary dear.


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