Forever in my heart

Monday October 15, 2018

I weep
Tears stream down my face
The pain in my chest is so sharp 
I can't breathe 
Each breath is like a razor ripping through my lungs
My legs are weak 
They threaten to betray me
I reach out for something
Anything to slow the fall

But there's nothing
I crumple to the ground like a ragdoll thrown into a toy box
My shoulders shaking in silent uncontrollable grief.

I can't speak
I don't even try
It doesn't make sense
Why choose this moment
Like a shot in the night 
I didn't see it coming

But eventually the heaving slows
The tears cease to flow
And I try to wipe them all away
Slowly I stretch my aching legs and force myself to stand

Nothing has changed
No magic spell or cure has brought them back. 
The world continues oblivious to my grief
It changes nothing
I breathe in 
And out
And once again 
I take a step
   Melynda Hoeksema


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