A recap of our journey with Pregnancy and Infant Loss #OctoberisPregnancy&InfantLossawarenessmonth

I thought I'd share a little about my journey for those of you who have just come across my little blog...

My wonderful hubby and I have been married for nearly 8 years now. We both come from families with 6 kids and are 4th oldest. I think we both assumed we'd end up with about as many children ourselves, despite getting married at 26( he was 25 - yup I snagged me a younger man😉) In 2013 we started intentionally trying for children and we're beyond the moon to find out we were expecting right away! I didn't feel things were right but my doctor said that was because I'd never been pregnant before and when I was 13 weeks I had a little bit of spotting. I was convinced she was wrong so I went to the hospital anyways. We had lost baby Miya weeks earlier (coincidentally at the time I told my doctor things didn't feel right). This began our long journey with loss and fertility clinics. We lost another child later that year, and two the following year, and another in the beginning of 2015. At this point we were seeing specialists and later that year we got pregnant for the 6th time. We were blessed to be able to watch Denver grow and develop via ultrasound every week (I had spotting so I had weekly checkups at the Fertility Clinic). At 12 weeks I was switched to a specialist near McMaster and things started getting worse. Just before 17 weeks I ended up in the hospital because I hemorrhaged. At 6 am I sent my hubby home as Denver had a good strong heartbeat and was fine (I was losing too much blood and had to stay). By 8 am I was holding my precious and beautiful baby boy. We spent a quiet New Year's Eve in McMaster Hospital and after a transfusion and making arrangements we had a small private funeral for our little man. Later that year I had surgery to remove a half a foot large fibroid. This forced us to take a break from our pursuit of a family. This past November (2017) we lost Baby Hoeksema # 7. Our Fertility Clinic advised us that they could help us get pregnant but couldn't do anything to help me keep them so they referred us to a specialist in Toronto that has a high rate of success with people who have had multiple miscarriages. Our journey with this clinic has been even harder than I imagined and being knee deep in the trenches with them I may have to save our story with them for another day...

From the NorMel House to yours - don't be afraid to open up, even if its just to one person...


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