Some thoughts

We live in strange times, which aren't made any easier by the media. False stories, both to over-scare people and to play it down too much make it confusing to know what is really even happening. For the most part I'm not caught up in either. I believe there's good reason to take lots of precautions and to stay home, but I'm not so overly protective that I don't take walks. I do. When the sun is shining and the weather is nice I make a point of trying to get in a good walk. I still avoid getting even remotely close to other people, but I wave and smile and try to keep things positive. It's been a bit difficult with the crazy weather we've been having though. In the span of a few minutes it can go from sunny and no wind, to dark, stormy looking skies with hard snow pellets flying and smacking you in the face, to rain or back to sunshine. I find, at times, I feel like a yo-yo from all the havoc it wreaks on my body. When I look back to my younger days I feel a bit guilty. I used to love exercising, palates, rollerblading, exercise videos, you name it. I did it a lot and it felt GREAT! I used to tell my mom she just had to do it more often and then it would feel good. I believe I owe her an apology. The older I get the worse it all feels! There's no good feeling at the end of exercising, there's no invigorating sensations, no boost to my mood; in fact, it's become the opposite. I should have shown more understanding because it turns out that all those great things about exercising are a thing of youth. Makes it a bit tough to motivate yourself when you know you're going to feel worse at the end of your walk or exercising. How smart we think we are in our teens! If I could go back in time there's many things I'd tell myself, but c'est la vie. I shall keep praying for motivation.
On a different note, I've found that being in isolation has me thinking about art, music, reading and writing again. I went through some old boxes and re-discovered art from my high school days. I dug out some of my old poetry and short stories, and have upped my efforts at crafts and art with the daytime kiddos. Yes, I still have 2 daytime kiddos coming 3 days a week. Siblings who's parents are both still working. They keep me on my toes, and I've had fun coming up with various arts and crafts and such for them. I was getting in a lot of crochet at the beginning of all this Covid19 stuff, but I had to give that up as my arm has once again decided that I overdid things. May be related to all the crafting and arts, may be due to weather, or it might just have decided to flare up for no particular reason. Whatever the reason, its put a damper on my typical keep busy ideas, so I look forward to the end of the flare.
The Nor in NorMel House has been working from home for 5 weeks now. Has definitely made a few changes in my days. It's nice to have coffee or lunch together or to be able to sneak in some hugs or kisses throughout the day. I love this man. God knew what He was doing when He put him in my life. He knew I'd need a smart, and gentle, understanding sort of guy and I'm thankful.
Guess I don't really have any remarkable point to make with this post, just letting out some thoughts. I hope you're staying healthy and safe. Remember to pray for the people who are feeling the loneliness of being isolated by themselves, pray for the parents and teachers struggling to educate their children in these new "home-school" style ways. Pray for those who are sick or are working with the sick, and pray for the mental health of all those struggling. Pray also for those who are out of jobs or unable to work. Our economy is definitely going to be feeling the effects of all the changes.

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths". (Prov. 3:5-6)

From the Mel in NorMel House, stay safe, stay strong, stay faithful.


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