Cuteness overload #ilovepuppies #schnauzersrock #puppiesareadorable

Okay, so I may be completely and utterly in love. I love my Miss Roxie and I love her adorable, chubby babies. I am currently curled up on the couch and my hoodie appears to be squirming and grunting. Feeling jealous? Who wouldn't be jealous of adorable squirming, grunting and soft little round bellied puppies. I don't think words can describe how therapeutic and wonderful it is. 
I can't help but be amazed at the intricacy of God's creation. Each life is unique, each body depending on so many things taking place just to make even the smallest movements. And so many unaware. We take breathing for granted until it's taken away. We take so many things for granted that we feel are just normal every day functions but it's amazing what a change of perspective can do. Watching one puppy take its last breath made me want to hold these two even closer. Each moment with them is precious. 
From #theNorMelHouse where each day over the next several weeks will be filled with puppy snuggles and cuddles 


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