Part 1: What does God's word teach us about dealing with problems - pt 1 Believe

I'd like to share a series of devotionals my mother wrote for a Quilting Retreat she ran with some friends. I've taken the liberty of using them as a basis for inspiration and further study for myself. I found myself digging a bit deeper into scripture and my own contemplations and thought I should share. I hope you are inspired to open your Bible and add your own notes and thoughts as well.

What does God’s word teach about Dealing with Problems?

1.       “Believe”: Genesis 18: 13-14
Genesis 18: 13-14
            Then the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son.”

            All of life has problems since the fall into sin by Adam and Eve in paradise. We all will encounter problems, some of which seem insurmountable, impossible or downright devastating. The issue then is not how to escape problems but how to deal with them. The bible clearly shows us that problems exist and are real. John 16 tells us this; specifically the end of the chapter where it says "...In this world you will have trouble..." We are told we will have trouble! Yet that is not where the statement ends. God, through His word, teaches us that first we must believe in His power and goodness. We're told many times in the Bible that God is the only source of good and He will not withhold it from His children. James 1:17 says "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." Note that every good thing is from God! And in Psalm 84:11 "For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless." If you believe you are saved through Christ, then you must also believe He will not withhold good things from you.
Sarah looked at her reality from her earthly perspective and didn’t see God’s incredible power and authority over this whole creation. She doubted His word and promise of a son. We can look at this example and believe God sees and knows our troubles and He is capable and willing to help. If we go back to John 16 we are told several times that although we may have grief and sorrow now it will be turned to complete joy. Although our understanding is limited to what we see, God is all knowing and will turn things to our good for our salvation (Romans 8:28). Believe, trust and be at peace. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”
Next time you feel overwhelmed by the trials of this life or think you're alone remember this: there is nothing you have suffered or gone through that Jesus didn't. He knows, He conquered, He saves. And there is nothing you can go through that God doesn't see; He hurts when His children hurt and He will ALWAYS turn things to the good of those who love Him.
As a one who is also into sewing and quilting, there is one analogy that really strikes home for me. Life is like a tapestry God has made. We see it from the back, where threads are knotted, crossed, and cut and the picture looks like a mess. God sees the whole and beautiful picture. Some threads need to be cut and trimmed, some need to cross over others, but it's all to the purpose of creating something beautiful. He has a purpose for each knot, and for every thread cut.
 "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face" (1 Corinthians 13:12). Believe that God is willing and able to keep His word.
#theNorMelHouse -
Don't let our limited vision turn you from the end goal, our race is not complete!


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