Small mercies

At this very moment there is a tiny paw pushing against my cheek, a wet little tongue slicking my chin and a little black nose that keeps poking my face. I've dubbed this little one Polar Piglet. She eats like a little piggy and looks like a mini polar bear. Her brother looks just like their daddy. My fat little puppies have outgrown the neck warmer title and no longer fit in my hoodie. Yes, I'd wear a hoodie backwards and hold them in the hood to snuggle. Don't judge, if you thought of it I just know you wouldn't be able to resist doing it too. Don't deny it!
This little moment was a small mercy for today. A rough day made just a bit better by the comfort of a small chubby puppy showing me affection. Small mercies.
#TheNorMelHouse where puppy snuggles are cherished and each one treasured


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