Puppies, loss, moving on and Ice!

So, here I am... 5 days post vet visits. Two little piglets left. My sweet little Brownie got worse and died Tuesday morning. I may have cried...a lot. It's really hard not to cry when you've put your heart into something, it hurts to lose it. On the positive side Miss Roxie, Knightly Junior and our little Polar Piglet are doing well. Poor Roxie went sniffing around a few times - I think she thought we were hiding the puppies somewhere. A rough couple of days. There are many who will understand my grief over the loss of a few puppies, and there are others that will laugh or think I'm nuts. If you've ever had a beloved pet I'm sure you understand. You love them, care for them, feed them, hold them close to your heart. They become a part of your life, your family, your home; it's like losing a member of your family. I know, I know, they aren't literally your babies, but they are family. As you may imagine the week has been a sleepless one. I was up bottle feeding and watching Roxie and her babies every night til my little Brownie died. Roxie and the other two are doing great so I only get up once in the night to check on her and give her her medications. Mr Nor gets up early for work so he checks on her first thing in the morning. I'm hoping things will go well with my babies now. I want to enjoy these little gaffers while I can. I only have them for a short time in their sweet little lives and they change A LOT! So prepare for puppy picture overload in the next 7 weeks lol

I truly am thankful that my Miss Roxiegirl is doing well. Thankfully the vet didn't use staples this time so she doesn't need to go back for removal. I'm thankful for the two healthy little piglets she's feeding right now. The sucking noises are hilarious. They squirm and cry and really don't like being flipped on their backs however the handling is really great for getting them socialized and compliant. Best way to make a nice puppy is by loving them right from day one.

Well, the weather has gotten nose-hair cold here in Hammertown. Yup, I said it. Ever had that happen? When the weather is so cold that your nose hairs freeze when you breath? No? Come visit Ontario in January - it can get seriously cold here sometimes! I have to say that there are some benefits to the cold. I love the way ice is formed. It can be so beautiful!

I love seeing the ice on trees and hanging in icicles. Each one is completely unique and for some strange reason I'm fascinated by it. What are your thoughts on ice? I'd love to see some pics if you have any.
From #TheNorMelHouse where things never seem to go as expected, find something beautiful in every day, its the small things that make the days pleasant!


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