A rough start

Rough start. Little Miss Roxie started New Year's Day off with a x-ray at the vets. I felt she was way past due and took her in. I thought she was displaying signs of pre-labor but not progressing enough for my liking. Looking at the x-ray the pups weren't anywhere near lined up or positioned properly so he sent me home.
Around 4pm she was having some minor contractions but not pushing and lost what appeared to be placenta fluid... Sadly she ended up having a stillborn boy 2 hours later. She was not trying at all. Poor girl just wasn't having enough contractions and wasn't trying to push. I decided she needed to go to the vet, thinking he could give her oxytocin to bring on labor and hopefully she would then have the rest. The oxytocin didn't work on her and poor little Miss Roxie had to have a cesarean. It's a lot harder on the puppies that way, and the one that had been trying to come didn't make it. Roxie came through like a champ and is doing great. We have a white little piglet male who seems to feed constantly and a black/white girl that is trying to keep up. Our little brown boy has been weak and can't eat on his own so I'm playing momma and bottlefeeding him. We got home around 1am this morning and as our little brownie isn't well he needs constant care. Needless to say it's been a long day/days.
It didn't go normal and it certainly isn't what I'd wanted but it's a reminder that we are not in control. All of life is in God's Hands. Some may think I'm strange but I cried for each lost puppy. I care for each of them like a mother might and it's hard to let go, however I'm thankful my girl is doing well. It may be a busy few days with our little brownie but I hope he gains strength.
From the NorMel House where things are anything but normal, hope your year has started off better than ours!


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