Hitting the ball out of the park

Some days are just hard.
You think you're starting to get on top of things but you get knocked off your feet. Grief can do that. It's ok to grieve, it's ok to have a bad day, and it's ok to need time to gather yourself. But make sure you do; don't let your grief take over and keep you down. I know it can be hard.
Many things can take you off guard and send your mood spiralling down the drain. I once worked at a place that gave me some seriously emotional bruising. Every day I had to go in felt worse and worse. Im fairly certain that while it was an awful situation, I probably could have dealt with it a bit better if I'd realized it was only one part of my life. I let it take over and allowed myself to become miserable all the time. It definitely wasn't the healthy way to deal with it. Sometimes work can feel like everything in your life, but it truly isn't. My poor hubby had to hear me upset and frustrated and emotional every day! Talk about being a dedicated and wonderful man; he stuck by me and supported me.
I don't have it all figured out, I'm not smacking the proverbial ball out of the park when it comes to life. But I do know that how we handle our reactions makes a huge difference on our state of mind. A reaction can't necessarily be helped, but what we do with it can be.  Think about that difference, it can change your world. Sometimes you have to take it one moment, one step, one day at a time and trust that God has each and every moment in His loving Hands
#TheNorMelHouse where it's never normal and every day brings something new


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