
Showing posts from November, 2016

#vendorevents make for #crazybusylife

Another crazy day in the life of me. I've apparently decided that if all the vendors events are expensive than I should just throw my own. It's been a ridiculously busy couple of days. Not physically, but a whole lot of correspondence with a whole lot of people! As it stands I've got 19 or so vendors lined up for this coming Saturday from 10-3 at my church. I've put out an ad, sent it around fb pages and groups and will be doing posters. Really hoping we get lots of traffic, there's some pretty great vendors lined up! If you don't have plans, come on down, have a cup of coffee and some goodies and shop! 353 Stone Church Rd E Hamilton Ontario. Sat Dec 3, 2016 from 10-3...and bring a friend ;) And now I'm off to zzzzzzzland! From the NorMel House where things are anything but normal, hope to see you Saturday!

Giving our children to God

This morning we had a sermon which brought me to tears. A sermon about Abraham being told to sacrifice his one and only beloved son. He said, "Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you." GEN 22:2 ESV Without hesitation Abraham packs up to do as he is asked. He is told to sacrifice his only beloved son; the son whom he prayed and longed for, whom he waited for years for, THIS son he is asked to give up to God. And he doesn't question or argue or even drag his feet, he trusts. He simply trusted God with his child. In my weakness, I cry for him. How does one just accept a request like that without hesitation? I know Abraham trusted God, and I often pray for that strength of faith and courage. During the sermon the minister brought up the comparison of God sending His only begotten Son to die for us and these two things have been especially diffi

A Sonohysterograph, and my angel babies

Sonohysterograph Sound like fun? Nope. It seriously isn't. I have had many of these on the journey to motherhood. Today I had another one. I actually prepped for this one by taking several Advil and it still managed to be the worst one I've ever had. Why do I keep putting myself through these? Well, today's was the first look since my surgery; to see how the surgery went and make sure everything is ok. I'm very thankful that things are good, but the stabbing pain that shot through my neck, shoulders, lungs and ribs when they shot the saline in really puts a damper on my enthusiasm. (If you don't know what it is, Sonohysterogram: is a technique in which fluid is injected through the cervix into the uterus, and ultrasound is used to make images of the uterine cavity.) Time for some brutal honesty. On December 30, 2015 I was in the hospital giving birth to my son Denver. I was only 16 weeks pregnant, and he was the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen. He didn'

Escape! #escaperoom #zombieapocalypse #nightoutwiththegang #tapsbrewhouse

Coolest entertainment fun. Went to my first escape room last night! They have one escape room in Niagara falls Ontario called dead air; a zombie apocalypse theme. I'm not a zombie fan, in fact I normally hate zombie stuff, but this wasn't freaky in any way. Norm and I went with 2 other couples, and it was really cool! Basically you solve puzzles and have to figure out how to unlock things and get out of the room in an hour. We did it with 6 minutes to spare :) Seriously recommend trying out different escape rooms, and I think 6 was the right amount of people too. We checked out this brew house afterwards called Taps and, I'm happy to say, watched the Habs beat the Leafs ;) that's right, if I'm watching/following hockey, I'm a Habs girl... Much to the dismay of my guy friends lol They had a guy playing guitar and singing, and it felt good to be out for a night, it's been a while. He totally reminded me of younger years lol, sang stuff I

New adventures in Norwex, and a visit to a new specialist

What a crazy busy and fun day! My vendor event was tonight and I had so much fun!!!! It was busy, and I sold some products, talked to a LOT of people and really had a good time. Plus I used my new Square, so it's already come in handy! Today kinda made me feel like a chicken with its head cut off. (I really hope you know that expression- if you've never experienced the source of it, I can honestly tell you it's an accurate description). I got up early (the dogs are used to getting up with Norm so him being away for work means I get woken up earlier than usual, as Mr Knightly and Mrs Roxie require a bathroom break and breakfast). Let them out, gave them breakfast and went back to bed; apparently my lack of sleep decided to catch up with me. Got up, had coffee, designed a Norwex sale picture for the Facebook group, packed everything up and realized I needed to get going or I'd be late. Trying something new: my first Osteopath appointment. She was super nice, came acros

Puppies, babies and more late night ruminations

Puppies grow so fast - It's amazing how quickly they grow. There is something so therapeutic about snuggling a puppy... I love crawling in the pen and taking all of them in my lap. They'll suck on your chin, your nose, your fingers, any warm skin lol! They're hungry little monsters and I can't imagine what their momma must feel! They tug and pull and shove their paws at her, making greedy sucking noises lol Its 8 weeks of cuteness and amazement Yup. I'm repeating myself. But really, who can blame me? I received my Square in the mail today and spent the evening entering products, codes and prices. I'm kind of excited to try it out at my vendor show this weekend. Fingers crossed I have some success in growing my business! I still haven't really come up with a cool name, but part of me wonders if I should just leave it under the NorMel House "umbrella". Not that the Nor ever calls us that, but the Mel is sticking with it. Between puppies, croc

Late night ruminations

How do you turn your brain off? You know, when you're body is tired, but your thoughts are racing. I love being an Independent Norwex Consultant, and I know it's probably the newness of it all, but I am constantly thinking Norwex. What kind of displays can I make? What should I do for games and prizes or draws? How can I get out there and share this amazing stuff? Am I doing it justice in how I talk about it? How do I cram all the benefits of using Norwex into a few words? And it goes on... I think I'm so excited about it I can't seem to turn it off in order to sleep lol... I went to bed over 2 hours ago and yet here I am, wide awake with Norwex on my brain. So, my question is, how do you deal with something like this? New job, new relationship, new car, new whatever it is that's making you too excited to sleep... Normally I would try reading or listening to something, or even reciting passages from memory in an attempt to get my mind on something good and peacefu

#iloveschnauzers #ilovepuppies

Cuteness overload. Yup, I have a puppy addiction. But who doesn't???? Seriously, there can't be too many things that are more heartwarming, cheering, and comforting than a puppy snuggle/pile. There's something so therapeutic about snuggling tiny, soft, squirmy, nuzzling, adorable and still blind puppies. Their eyes aren't open yet, and they act like hungry little hippos grabbing onto any skin they can(like my chin, or my nose, or fingers).  A few days old they've already grown quite a bit, and their fat little tummies are hilariously adorable as they shuffle around looking for momma. I tell you, my Mr Knightly sure makes some adorable puppies. Don't believe me? Try telling me this isn't one of the cutest things you've seen... From the NorMel House where things are anything but normal, hug a puppy today, you won't regret it

#schnauzersuckie #ilovemyschnauzers

Once upon a time, there were two happy puppies. Their hair got long and hung in their faces so mommy decided they needed haircuts. The puppies did not want haircuts so they tried to run, however they weren't fast enough. After a whole lot of splashing and shaking in the bathtub there were two soaking wet Schnauzers, a wet red head and a soaking wet blond. Blowdryers turned on and their hair got soft and silky and they were finally ready for their haircuts! With some snipping and buzzing they soon looked as handsome and pretty as ever. And so the couch snuggling and blanket hogging was necessary once again. The end. From the NorMel House where things are anything but normal, don't forget to groom your puppies. Matted knots can hurt them!

My Thursday night

Ever have it where everything feels damp and you just can't get warm? Last night and today seems to be one of those times for me...Could it be lack of sleep??????????????????????? I'm sitting on my couch, wearing the ugliest sweater known to mankind, pink fluffy monster toe socks, and drinking a VERY LARGE coffee. I had a fantastic night doing a Norwex party for a wonderful young lady and we ended up chatting for a long time afterwards. Completely didn't realize it was nearly 1 am until I got in my car to go. Oops. The evening was a blast; I blundered my way through attempting to remember to tell them some factual things, but really ended up talking more about the products I use and love, and why I love them. Honesty speaks volumes I believe. On a different note, Hamilton has decided to start showing signs of the season change, its getting pretty chilly in the mornings! I normally love the cold, but the damp cold is just a nasty feeling if you ask me. Time to turn the f