My Thursday night

Ever have it where everything feels damp and you just can't get warm? Last night and today seems to be one of those times for me...Could it be lack of sleep???????????????????????

I'm sitting on my couch, wearing the ugliest sweater known to mankind, pink fluffy monster toe socks, and drinking a VERY LARGE coffee. I had a fantastic night doing a Norwex party for a wonderful young lady and we ended up chatting for a long time afterwards. Completely didn't realize it was nearly 1 am until I got in my car to go. Oops. The evening was a blast; I blundered my way through attempting to remember to tell them some factual things, but really ended up talking more about the products I use and love, and why I love them. Honesty speaks volumes I believe.

On a different note, Hamilton has decided to start showing signs of the season change, its getting pretty chilly in the mornings! I normally love the cold, but the damp cold is just a nasty feeling if you ask me. Time to turn the furnace on? I'm a stubborn person when it comes to using the furnace. I'll turn the AC on in a heartbeat, but I hold out as long as possible with the furnace... I have a feeling more people are sharing that train of thought, considering the ridiculous prices for hydro. Seriously, I nearly fell off the couch when I got my bill for the summer months. I actually turned my AC off :o

My Mr Knightly is the proud father of a few more puppies today... I'm receiving the fun updates on them as they're being born. I LOVE puppies. I'll have to go visit his baby's momma soon so I can check them out!
From the NorMel House where things are anything but normal, buy Norwex dryer balls to cut down on drying time and save on hydro!


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