Late night ruminations

How do you turn your brain off? You know, when you're body is tired, but your thoughts are racing. I love being an Independent Norwex Consultant, and I know it's probably the newness of it all, but I am constantly thinking Norwex. What kind of displays can I make? What should I do for games and prizes or draws? How can I get out there and share this amazing stuff? Am I doing it justice in how I talk about it? How do I cram all the benefits of using Norwex into a few words? And it goes on... I think I'm so excited about it I can't seem to turn it off in order to sleep lol... I went to bed over 2 hours ago and yet here I am, wide awake with Norwex on my brain.
So, my question is, how do you deal with something like this? New job, new relationship, new car, new whatever it is that's making you too excited to sleep...
Normally I would try reading or listening to something, or even reciting passages from memory in an attempt to get my mind on something good and peaceful. It doesn't seem to be working tonight so here we are...
Btw, I'm super excited about the private group I started with a Scentsy rep. We invited a few other direct sales reps to the group and we hope to all invite our network in an attempt to help us all branch out, but also offer sales and incentives to more than our own people. Pretty neat idea (obviously not mine as I'm sure it's been done by millions of others) and I hope it will help to spread the word - Norwex is amazing.
Anyways, as Nor would say, I'm "being an accidental salesman again".
Today was beautiful, the yellows and oranges of the leaves, the brisk cold, the beautiful sunshine. I love fall. God seriously amazes me with the intricacies of nature. You can find a myriad of colors in a single leaf.
It was so nice Nor was able to take the front door off and paint it. Oh, and he bought this panel piece of a frosted sort of design to put on the glass of the side door! I knew I married a smart one, it looks great!
Anyways, I should probably make another attempt at sleeping, it won't happen staring at a bright screen... Feel free to send me suggestions!
From the NorMel House where things are anything but normal, hope you're sleeping!


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