#iloveschnauzers #ilovepuppies

Cuteness overload.

Yup, I have a puppy addiction. But who doesn't????
Seriously, there can't be too many things that are more heartwarming, cheering, and comforting than a puppy snuggle/pile. There's something so therapeutic about snuggling tiny, soft, squirmy, nuzzling, adorable and still blind puppies. Their eyes aren't open yet, and they act like hungry little hippos grabbing onto any skin they can(like my chin, or my nose, or fingers).
 A few days old they've already grown quite a bit, and their fat little tummies are hilariously adorable as they shuffle around looking for momma.
I tell you, my Mr Knightly sure makes some adorable puppies. Don't believe me? Try telling me this isn't one of the cutest things you've seen...
From the NorMel House where things are anything but normal, hug a puppy today, you won't regret it


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